Thursday, May 9, 2013

Salon Insta-Gel Strips Starter Kit by Sally Hansen

I am part of the mailing list for Allure Beauty Enthusiasts! It is great because you get daily emails about beauty products. They mailed me a Salon Insta-Gel Strips Starter Kit by Sally Hansen. I was super excited when I found out I was going to get it. I waited and waited but it never arrived at my house. When I applied to be a member with Allure I was living in Brooklyn with my parents. So the packaged was sent to their house. I was to suppose to give a quick review on it after 2 weeks (March), but things happen. My little sister ended up trying it out and told me it was horrible. I went over to try it. There were directions with it that scared me. Anyone who knows me knows that I detest reading directions. I ended up logging on and watching a video ( The video was super informative and the girl made it look easy. I tried and it and was amazed on how easy it was. I had tried things like this before from Sephora where you do not paint your nail, you simply use a sticker and voila your nails are done. The Sally Hansen was way easier and looked better then Sephora, but two days later it was chipping. On the third day I had nothing on my nails. Another disadvantage is that the stickers were either too big or small for my nails. After you place the nail sticker on, a clear gel nail polished is placed and then you would stick your finger under their little UV light contraption for 30 seconds. That was really cool and I felt like a nail technician. Unfortunately, the look did not last long and that was disappointing. Another bad part was the drying time. After nearly a half hour, my nails were not dry and things around the house like lent was sticking on it. I love love Sally Hansen products, but this is not one of them!